The Family

Discover the suffering of McDonald's chickens!

Sagged Sally

Sagged Sally

Oops … Because Sally has to be fully grown and ready for slaughter in 40 days, she can no longer support her weight. Can you help her get back on her feet?

Tessa Tumor

Tony Tumor

With 22 chickens crammed into 1 square meter ( … No wonder Tony has gotten sick. Can you count how many tumors he has?

Betty Burn

Betty Burn

In the hatchery, Betty and her companions spend the whole day walking around in their excrement. The ammonia released causes painful burns. Can you help cool them down?

Chickie Shit

Chickie Shit

Cute … or not? This chick has to grow into a ‘slaughter-ready’ chicken in just 6 weeks. Chronic pain, obesity, a premature death … What misfortune do you think will befall Chickie?

Hannah Hook

Henry Hook

Welcome to the slaughterhouse! Hung upside down on a hook, Henry is on his way to his death. First, he has to pass through an electric water bath before being slaughtered. Will you wait to see if the electric shock truly makes him unconscious?

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