McDo Experience
McDonald’s, I’m NOT lovin’ it
The fast-food chain still makes chickens suffer terribly
As a result of an action by GAIA, many restaurant and supermarket chains in Belgium have committed to not selling chicken meat produced under the worst farming and slaughter practices. However, McDonald's still turns a blind eye to the suffering of chickens and refuses to make improvements!
McDonald's justifies its refusal to commit to the BCC on environmental grounds, believing that better living conditions for meat chickens would have a negative impact on the environment. However, McDonald's relies on a study carried out by the industry, which is disputed and which, in particular, overestimates the environmental impact of rearing chickens to BCC standards. The implementation of higher animal welfare standards according to the BCC cannot be considered more harmful to the environment. Refusing to commit to BCC is about profits, not the environment.

In conventional chicken farms, tens of thousands of chickens are confined in sheds without the possibility of going outside and deprived of natural light. Due to intensive genetic selection, they grow extremely fast, reaching their slaughter weight in no less than 40 days. As a result, they quickly become unable to support their weight, leading to leg and joint pain, lameness, paralysis, respiratory problems, and heart issues, which can be fatal.
In standard farming, the population density can reach 22 chickens per square meter. Meaning that each bird has a living space even smaller than a sheet of paper. As their litter never gets cleaned during the entire fattening phase, the chickens are forced to live on an excrement-soaked floor. The ammonia released burns their feet, chest, and lungs.

When the chickens arrive at the slaughterhouse, they're hung upside down by their hind legs on metal hooks. This method causes many extremely painful fractures and dislocations in their legs and wings. Their heads are then immersed in an electric water bath intended to render them unconscious, but in some cases, the bird is improperly stunned and has its throat slit while fully conscious.
Thanks to the actions of GAIA, many companies have already signed the Better Chicken Commitment. A pledge that, among other things, guarantees the use of slower-growing breeds, more living space for the chickens, and less painful slaughter conditions.

By refusing to sign the Better Chicken Commitment, McDonald's demonstrates its indifference to animal suffering. The company insists on ignoring society's growing desire to improve the treatment of farmed animals.
Take a stand for the animals: support companies that are more respectful of their welfare, not McDonald's!